The Static Back exercise, also called Static 90, is helpful for acute flare-ups of back pain, back spasm, and chronic back pain. This simple exercise takes 5-10 minutes to complete, and can be repeated multiple times daily during a pain flare in addition to regular daily movement such as walking, swimming, yoga or tai chi.
In this simple and effective position gravity helps restore balance and alignment to the body. The muscles of the back soften and relax to help reduce the pain of back spasms. The structure of the body is then able to come back into alignment and correct any twist in the hips and pelvis. To facilitate the softening of the back muscles, this position can also be done with a flat electric heating pad under the low back and sacrum.
Lie on your back with your legs up on a chair, couch or stool at the right height to bring your knees and hips to 90 degrees. This may mean using a few cushions or pillows under your legs to get the right angle. Feel free to pad the floor with a rug or towel to soften pressure points, but be sure the surface you are lying on is firm and supportive.
Lay with your arms out at a 45 degrees angle with your palms up.
Rest in this position for 5-10 minutes (set a timer). Breathe into tight areas and give yourself permission to let go of the tension. Feel your back change.
When your time is up, place a folded pillow, ball or yoga block that is about 6 inches wide between your knees and gently squeeze your knees together to 3-5 seconds to help reset your SI joints and pelvis.
Get up slowly and move around. Now is the perfect time to go for a walk. Notice what feels different? Repeat once daily, or more often for flare-ups.
This exercises feels passive, but is actually quite active. It creates length in the spine by engaging the small stabilizing muscles in the back and hips. This position also allows the shoulders, back and hips to realign in a neutral position.
If you are suffering from acute or chronic back pain we hope this posture helps provide a lot of relief as a self-care technique. Acupuncture is also very effective in reducing back pain. It is recommended as a first-line therapy for chronic low back pain by The American College of Physicians and The Joint Commission. Acupuncture helps relieve pain, reduce inflammation and promote tissue healing.
Egoscue Static Back E-cise (video demonstration)