HOW DOES Acupuncture WORK?
Acupuncture is one branch of Chinese medicine, which is a comprehensive system of medicine that extends back over 3,000 years. Similar to the nervous system or hormonal system that links and connects the body, acupuncture meridians (or channels) are activated to have a holistic and systemic impact. Acupuncture works with the body’s natural intelligence to heal and self-regulate by giving signals to promote health and homeostasis.
When working on pain management, acupuncture reduces inflammation, stimulates opioids (the body’s natural painkillers), and accelerates the body’s natural healing response.
Acupuncturists use a wide variety of diagnostic tools to determine the best treatment including— intake history, pulse and tongue diagnosis, and palpation. Acupuncture points are selected on the acupuncture channel(s) that are affected, with the goal to restore balance. Acupuncture points have both a local and systemic effect on the body. Often a combination of points are used in both the local area of concern and distally to support the larger healing capacity of the body.
Everyone experiences acupuncture differently, and this can change overtime as well. Some people don’t feel any local sensation. Others feel a tingling, warmth, or dull ache at the local site of the needle or spreading along the body. The most common experience is one of deep relaxation.
Does acupuncture hurt?
Licensed Acupuncturists are well trained for comfortable insertion of acupuncture needles. Most patients don't feel any sensation when the needles are inserted and are amazed at how thin and small the needles are. Acupuncture needles are completely different from the needles used in blood draws and vaccinations. Acupuncture needles are hair-thin solid filiform needles that are sterile and single use. I use a gentle and effective acupuncture technique and prioritize the comfort of my patients.
Is it safe during pregnancy?
Yes. It is important to see a licensed acupuncturist as we are well trained in knowing what acupuncture points and Chinese herbs are not appropriate during pregnancy. That being said, there are a lot of incredible points that we can use to help treat common and uncomfortable symptoms that can accompany pregnancy. Acupuncture is well known for it’s ability to alleviate morning sickness in the first trimester. Acupuncture is also safe and effective for back and hip pain, acid reflux, and preparing the body for a healthy delivery.
How often do I need to come in?
The effects of treatments build upon each other. It is recommended to complete a series of treatments for the most effective and long-term results. The number of treatments recommended are determined based on the severity and longevity of the condition. Most patients begin with a series of 6-8 treatments, at which point we will re-evaluate and determine if additional care is necessary.
The frequency of treatments ranges from 1-3 visits per week. Acute conditions resolve much quicker with an intensive frequency, 2-3 treatments per week. Chronic conditions require a longer series of treatments and a frequency of 1 treatment per week is recommended.
Chinese Medicine is wonderful for preventive health care and for maintenance health care. In this case, patients will come in for treatment 1-2 visits per month.
Where are you located?
Dynamic Acupuncture is located in the vibrant Alberta Arts district in Portland, Oregon. We are a neighborhood acupuncture and wellness clinic specializing in pain management, sports medicine, stress relief, emotional wellbeing, fertility and women's health.